For the realization of these investments, the company Studio MC Morgan srl took care of all the preliminary, functional and instrumental activities for admission to the tax benefits pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 34/2020, from the initial phase feasibility study and energy evaluation of condominium and single-family buildings to the drafting of the executive projects, with the drafting of the bills of quantities estimating the works and interventions deemed useful and/or necessary, the related technical specifications and related specifications for the contracting company.
The company has likewise supervised all the procedures for the issue of building permits and of the competent authorities, together with environmental and energy, legal and customer assistance technical consultancy for the preparation of the relative contracts with the companies called upon to carry out the said interventions, having for this purpose adequate professional figures dedicated to the professional exercise of forensic activity in the field of civil law, commercial law and private and public contracts, as well as for matters relating to the control of the quality of the works and their perfect compliance with the related projects and the rules of the art.
The expansion of the sectors of intervention, saw the company Studio Mc. Morgan s.r.l. immediately invested the turnkey management of a further 24 new construction sites due to open soon in the territory of the former regional province of Caltanissetta, for a total amount of interventions to be carried out of € 35,139,087.00, including expenses for energy efficiency and technical design works.

On these assumptions, the company has therefore matured the will to equip itself with an adequate organization of means and instrumental resources to be used in the new corporate mission, evaluated as a new entrepreneurial asset to which new financial resources can reasonably be allocated, having the right reason to trust in the new production processes that it has now decided to start with ever greater awareness of the relative profit margins.
Moreover, precisely in view of these objectives, intending in any case to guarantee adequate systems of organization in line with the new investments, the company has already embarked on new collaborative relationships with leading companies in materia di revisione contabile e di servizi di Audit & Assurance, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Risk Advisory, Tax e Legal, tra cui la Deloitte S.p.A., ampliando al suo interno la presenza di personale qualificato nel campo del diritto, con la supervisione di esperti Avvocati in regime di convenzione per quanto relativo alle problematiche giuridiche e legali connesse allo svolgimento delle attività sociali.
At present, the SOA qualification procedures, avendo la società interesse a spingere il campo delle sue attività anche verso il settore dei lavori pubblici. L’avviata collaborazione con una tra le quattro aziende al mondo leader in materia di revisione contabile e di servizi di Audit & Assurance e Risk Advisory, accresce senza alcun dubbio la volontà della Mc. Morgan s.r.l. di lanciare lo sguardo verso il futuro, nella piena coscienza di poter ambire ad un percorso di crescita aziendale in grado di assicurare adeguati margini di nuovi profitti.